So the electronics market is completely not awesome. Neither are Tomato Mexican Chicken flavored Lays potato chips. I don't think I'm going to even try the French Chicken flavored Lays...
We bought a DVD player for the apartment cause we did not have one, and it was kind of annoying after a while not being able to watch a movie. So we went out and bought one for 200RMB and it turned out to be ridiculously bad. This thing skips randomly through disks, and the remote only works from about one foot away. Then our school took one from the AV supplies and gave it to us, it works, but doesn't play American DVD's. Oh well... looks like I'll have to buy $1 dollar a piece bootlegs. I think I'm going to buy the entire Battlestar Box Set... maybe even Scrubs. Futurama, Office OH MY! My freaking laptop bag that I bought here... the strap broke off. Kind off expected but still annoying.
I am definitely buying a new camera soon. Need to spend like $100, for pointing and shooting awesome stuff like yesterday when we walked into our apartment complex and there was an old lady on the bench playing an oriental flute. It was like a movie soundtrack. Plus the gardens and stuff around our apartmen't is real sweet. There was even a group of people doing dusk tai chi. One of these days I'll try and join in... but I know not the ways of the tai chi.
We went to Shin Kong place yesterday, which was right by the English/Chinese learning cafe that I think I am signing up for with a couple other people. Shin Kong is a mall of epic proportions, and epic prices. It is the most upscale mall I've been to, rivals Short Hills in NJ, nothing in Savannah. We're talking Gucci, Prada, Louis Vuitton, Moschino... anything you can think of. Kind of intimidation for a T-shirt and jeans kinda guy like me. The food court was what we were interested in because we had to wait to speak to the manager of the Chinese school, and boy was that a project. Trying to eat something sensible but not KFC or Subway. Anyway's when we walked around we went up to the fifth floor and saw all this amazing emerging technology from Panasonic. We were all weary travelers and needed some vittles, so we pressed on to the food. Once we ate and headed out of the mall, we got completey turned around and wound up on the other side and had to walk around the entire complex to get back to the street that we wanted to be on. There were so many sitting areas and fountains, it was so awesome. It's like they generally wanted people to loiter at the mall. Not like in every other mall where it's like 6 feet of sidewalk with a bench that's been spit on and skateboarded on and cops are there to enforce loitering. On the walk though I saw up on the third floor or so my favorite place to buy jeans. Energie! (and Miss Sixty Jill!) It's going to rock to go back there.
Well in other academic news. It seems that I will be teaching my own class on Digital Imaging, which is kind of nice; riding on the laurels of my roomate Brendan, who taught me many things about HDRI, IBL setups, spherical pano's and with the addition of my stereoscopic skills, I should be able to make a pretty sweet elextive out of it all. I'm excited!
the title of this post is dedicated to all those playing the new metal gear... STFU!
7 Hewan Termahal di Dunia
12 years ago
eattttt the chicken chips!! we used to have them all the time when we lived overseas. haha i hope theyre as good as i remembered.
oh lynsey and her chicken chips.
Sorry to hear about your retail misfortune. That's surprising considering most of that stuff ends up here in the US... but maybe it's not? lol
Good luck with the classes Bro!
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